Monday 15 February 2010

how to improve my life

hello peeps, its been five weeks since the last time i wrote any piece.

i tried to write, too many times words failed me. do you ever feel like you are stuck in one bad position that you want to break free but you just cant?
honestly speaking, i am glad i dont experience this all the time but i must admit sometimes i do feel like running away. work is so demanding that i've dissapointed so many people, the worst part is me, not being able to be with my family. (Boss, takde plan bukak branch kat kuantan ke??). but i keep repeating to myself that this is just temporary ( ye ke?)

hum.. bestnya spend the weekend at home...


  1. Dearest Pae,

    Things will get better. :) That's what I tell myself everyday, to keep me going. Hope u're having a great long weekend. We really should meet some time.


  2. b, how to improve ur life?

    ummmm get a boifren lah haha ehh aku lah boifren kamu..hummm so x payah la wat pape lagi
