Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sukanya Bila Dia Ceria

Mdm Seri Syah: Hanum, do you like this class?

And me, being one who can never really answer a question point blank, used up a few friends’ name to re-iterate how much I enjoyed her class. To my surprise, somebody was actually paying attention to what I said. * We exchange looks *

I got to know mybaby-you on my 19th birthday, yep, on the day itself. I went to the field with N to see him after his football match and I would say we clicked almost instantaneously. He was charming, charming in his own cute yet dominating ways. I didn’t take it as anything serious back then because *it was complicated*.

Jadi entry ini ditujukan buat mybaby-you. (harap orang lain tidak muntah. Ngeeee)

He is an inspiration, not quite the pillar of my strength, but the one whom I’ve always trusted not to let me down, in any ways, in this life and hopefully in the hereafter too. Kenapa dia sangat istimewa di mata saya? Hanya Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui.

Let me disclose five random things about him which he dislikes the most, in no particular order.

1. “a controlling Queen”

2. bad customer service especially when they charged us astronomically

3. waking up when he doesn’t get enough sleep, but sadly I cannot tolerate this because his ideal sleeping hours seem to stretch more than ten continuous hours.

4. when I’m too lazy to drive even though he asks me to

5. people with BO.. especially chicks.

(mula-mula bercerita pasal kakak, kemudian teman istimewa, kenapa untuk diri sendiri tiada entry…mungkin masih tercari-cari identiti…)


  1. upssss....

    hehehe sape ek org tuh??
    huhuhu ingatkan dah lupe peristiwa lama..ummm 4 tahun lepas..hehe detik pertemuan yg sgt kelakar n mana la tahu skang boleh jadik camni plak kam?kam?

    ummmm penjelasan untuk point no. 5 = BAU KETI!!
    haha love you sayang..:p

  2. alalalala bloggers bercinta ni....
    hehe padahal jealous.. not!
    love u two a lot!
    cepat kawin!!

  3. weh dah dah la tu weh.

    gila cerita pasal bon bon

  4. demmm korg kutuk plak..
    hehehe sheyfah jgn aaa jeles plak hehe nanti aku suruh sape2 tulis blog pasal kau k???
