Wednesday 27 May 2009

Today's bonus

My doctor was fuming mad yesterday. She said I had lost weight, I looked pale and dangerously thin. I gave her a blank look and said, doc, I’ve always been like this. And what else, she denied it of course. She said to me, gain some weight, with your current weight, its easy for you to catch tuberculosis, I was stunned silent. I gave her the ‘get real’ look and she understood me and commented, why don’t you try this drug and I straight away went to a drug store to buy it.

So today I am starting a new diet, a new routine.

Breakfast – mesti makan! And coffee

Lunch – this is the meal I most often skip, because I am still full from breakfast, I guess now, I am not going to skip any meal, any.

Evening tea – tea and biscuits ( cikut bak kata Lea)

Dinner – usually I take very small amount of rice, because I don’t really like to eat. I do eat a lot, like I’ve said, but only when the food is nice. I mean, I will not skip a fancy meal. I will not say NO to nasi beriani, nasi minyak, nasi hujan panas but with plain white rice, urgh….

And uh, I’m looking forward to take up a job offer by my brother in law. He needed assistance, and I needed the money. Voila. Off to work in no time!

Wonder what should I wear on my first day at work?

1 comment:

  1. huhu b!tambah ah diet minum susu cicah sekut malam2 so u bleh tambah berat badan
